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I’m rellay into it, thanks for this great stuff!
reality shows are about things people want to see. who wants to see 4-8 hours of Kade? no one could ever sell a show about this guy because there’s nothing really interesting going on with him-he’s not talented enough for people to want to follow him trying to get acting roles, and he’s not famous enough or hot enough for people to want to watch him be a douche. he might get himself on one of those reality game shows (what ever happened to his stint on Love Taxi?), but that’s about it.
Elva / Articolo interessante e molto accurato. Ho vissuto la esperienza di leggere le scritte sui muri di ogni cità : “NO ALLA VIVISEZIONE…”, sarà che solo io leggo? Sarà che l’hanno scritte gli estraterrestre? Sarà che sono lì pensando che gli estra-umani le possono leggere e capire? Di sicuro che il solo fatto di pensare in esperimenti con animali vivi mi fa pensare che PER SALVARE GLI UMANI NECESITANO STERMINARE GLI ANIMALI?ORRORE!!! DOBBIAMO CLAMARE: ORRORE!!!Grazie Giuliana.-
Just finished reading your e-book. VERY IMPRESSIVE, well thought-out and very well presented!Loved how you incorporated the screen shots and photos –They really added the icing to the cake.You obviously put a LOT of thought and work into creating this mini-masterpiece and I know it’s going to be very well received, especially because of the consumate professional that you are!This is the IDEAL tool for anyone who gives speeches; whether it’s a newbie or an experienced speaker.BRAVO for a job very-well done! )))))))))))
Alas it’s true…I mean you don’t get to the Jenna scale of shitty parents but you sure as hell can ignore the shouting and wailing in the backseat once a glance assure you no one is bleeding.Dead inside. 😉
I just wanted to correct the slogan that Salih was shouting out, it went like this ““It is our duty to fight for our freedom! It is our duty to win! We must love and protect each other! We have nothing to lose but our CHAINS!!”….Chains, not shame, we are not ashamed of ourselves, our demonstration or our fight.Â
Elaine:To say you have a gift with words is such an understatement! I don't know how any child of God could read this posting and not have tears… tears of joy that the reality of heaven awaits us… tears for the future and the hope… because of Jesus!Merry Christmas to you and your family. What a wonderful page to read as I'm hustling around like everyone else today… to just pause and…. be thankful!Blessings and hugs!Sonja
Tanya, these are beautiful! You keep getting better and better in your gift of taking pictures! I would love to have my grandkids photgraphed again and maybe Ray and I sometime.